Get Into Teaching
work experience

School Experience

Job description

If you’re interested in a career in teaching, you can get school experience and find out what it’s like to be in the classroom.


  • Closing date: September 2025
  • Salary: unpaid
  • Duration: up to 3-weeks
  • Location: England

If you’re considering Initial Teacher Training or would like some experience before you start, you can visit schools to get unpaid experience in the classroom.

What we are looking for

Accepted degree subjects


Additional job details

East Midlands
East of England
North East England
North West England
South East England
South West England
West Midlands
Yorkshire and the Humber

How to apply

Click Apply to start your application now. This job will be available on Prospects until 31 August 2025

Don't forget to mention Prospects to employers when you contact them.

Closing date:  31 August 2025

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