Research course


University of Worcester · School of Science and the Environment

Entry requirements

For MPhil

  • First or Upper Second Class Honours Degree or an approved equivalent award


  • Research or professional experience which has resulted in appropriate evidence of achievement

For PhD

  • Postgraduate Masters Degree in a discipline which is appropriate to the proposed programme of study


  • First or Upper Second Class Honours Degree or equivalent award in an appropriate discipline


  • Research or professional experience at postgraduate level which has resulted in published work, written reports or other appropriate evidence of achievement

Months of entry

January, September

Course content

We welcome applications to undertake research towards MPhil and PhD degrees in Biochemistry.

Research at Worcester has grown significantly in the last 10 years as the University itself has expanded. As a research student you will join a vibrant student community in our Research School and become part of our dynamic research environment.

The mechanics of life: discover the molecular machinery that lies at the heart of the cell and drives all living organisms. At Worcester, we look at the fascinating world of biochemistry from a variety of angles. Our Biochemistry team has a strong mix of academics with expertise in areas ranging from cancer immunology to genetics of plant breeding systems.

Key features

  • Available as a full-time or part-time course, completed over a maximum of six years
  • All students are offered a wide range of optional training workshops throughout the programme focused around a wide range of themes
  • You will be allocated to one of two pathways depending on your experience and knowledge as a researcher
  • Access to an excellent range of research resources, including systems for protein purification, gravity chromatography, gene expression, electrophoresis and cell separation

The School of Science and the Environment

The School of Science and the Environment has a strong mix of academics with a high degree of professional and personal experience, enabling you to get the most out of your programme. Our staff have expertise in:

  • Acute Myeloid Leukaemia
  • Human cell culture and analysis
  • Flow cytometry
  • Protein redox regulation
  • Cellular redox homeostasis
  • Cancer immunology and immunotherapy
  • Cancer cell signalling
  • Viral replication
  • Amino acid metabolism
  • Cell signalling (Receptor Tyrosine Kinase and cell-cell)
  • Ligand receptor interactions
  • Apoptosis
  • Genetics of plant breeding systems & hybridisation barriers
  • Molecular biology
  • Protein overexpression and purification
  • X-ray crystallography
  • Protein-protein interactions
  • Enzyme Kinetics


All students engage with our Researcher Development Programme (RDP). The RDP aims to develop and enhance the skills, both generic and specific, that you will need to complete your research degree but also to become an effective researcher. The RDP is organised around thematic clusters, consisting of modules, and workshops, delivered face-to-face by subject specialists from across the University and the dedicated Researcher Development Team, or online through our virtual learning environment.

As part of the RDP, you will complete a Postgraduate Certificate in Research Methods (PG Cert). All students must complete the PG Cert in order to progress on their MPhil/PhD Programme. The PG Cert is strongly focused on developing your programme of research, starting from establishing your development needs, and preparing you for the planning and subsequent delivery of your programme of research.

Full-time students will complete the PG Cert in 12 months and part-time students in 24 months.

Qualification, course duration and attendance options

  • MPhil/PhD
    part time
    48 months
    • Campus-based learningis available for this qualification
    full time
    24 months
    • Campus-based learningis available for this qualification

Course contact details

Research School
01905 542182