More than half of graduates would vote to remain in Brexit referendum
According to a recent poll carried out by leading graduate career experts Prospects, more than half of graduates want the UK to remain in the European Union (EU)
When asked how they intend to vote in the upcoming EU referendum, 57% of graduates said that they would choose to remain in the EU. Of the 453 graduates polled 14% would opt to leave, while a quarter felt that they lack the information required to make a decision.
Excluding those yet to decide whether to participate, a resounding majority (86%) of respondents plan to cast their vote on 23 June 2016.
When asked about the potential impact a Brexit would have on further study plans, 31% agreed it would have a negative impact, while a quarter said they lacked the information to decide. Only 23% of graduates think that leaving the EU wouldn't have any impact on their plans to undertake further study.
When it comes to careers, 41% of those polled believe that leaving will have a negative effect on their prospects, with a further 37% saying that they lack the relevant information to form an opinion. Just one in ten graduates feel that leaving the EU wouldn't make any difference to their careers.
Mike Hill, chief executive at Prospects said, 'The polls all point to a very close contest, but here we can see that younger people are backing the vote to remain. They believe that an exit from the EU would narrow their options. Options, ironically, which their parents and grandparents have benefited from over the last 40 years.
'A lack of information is clearly a barrier to decision making, but the information is available. Graduates need to take the time to educate themselves, to really think about the potential impact a Brexit would have on their careers and their options in life.'
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