Research course


Bangor University · School of English

Entry requirements

We would normally expect students starting a PhD or MPhil to hold a first class or a good second-class degree. In many cases PhD applicants have studied to MA level, though this is not compulsory. Students without an MA are required to follow the research training module offered by the school. We are able to accept students on a distance-learning basis, but they should have already acquired the skills taught in the introductory seminars, or should make arrangements to attend equivalent seminars at another institution, at their own expense.

Months of entry


Course content

The MPhil is awarded for a dissertation of not more than 60,000 words and the PhD for a dissertation normally of not more than 100,000 words.

Research Areas

English with specialisations in:

Other Literature from the Middle Ages and the 16th, 17th, 19th, and 20th centuries.

English Literature post 1500

Arthurian literature

American Literature

Comparative Literature

Anglo-Welsh Writing

Postcolonial Literature

Gender and Writing


Travel Writing


Renaissance Literature

Modern English and American Drama

Milton and Literature of the Civil War period


Contemporary Poetry

Creative Writing

Information for international students

Students whose first language is not English are expected to have achieved an IELTS score of at least 6.5 with no element below 6.0.

Qualification, course duration and attendance options

  • MPhil
    part time
    48-60 months
    • Campus-based learningis available for this qualification
    full time
    24 months
    • Campus-based learningis available for this qualification
  • PhD
    part time
    72-96 months
    • Campus-based learningis available for this qualification
    full time
    36 months
    • Campus-based learningis available for this qualification

Course contact details

Postgraduate Admissions
01248 383717