Research topics within SAHP are aimed at optimising technical elements of imaging examinations, improving the patient experience and evaluating patient imaging services and pathways. The researchers encompass members who are actively involved in UK and international radiography research, and who are members of the EFRS Radiographer Research Network (RRN).
The research programme aims to encourage and facilitate engagement in radiography and medical imaging-related research. Our research ambition is to encourage growth in the number of researchers involved in medical imaging research as per the Research Strategy from our professional body (SCoR). We intend to increase the amount of research produced and to promote the successful implementation of new findings into clinical practice. All appropriate resources and services necessary to support our research is available through the School of Allied Health Professions and collaborating organisations (primarily the NHS although we do have links to Tertiary enterprises and Industry). Please contact appropriate staff with project specific enquiries.
THE SCHOOL OF PHARMACY AND BIOENGINEERING (PHAB)Research topics within PHaB cover activities in two areas: fabrication/application of multifunctional biomaterials for tissue engineering (cornea, bone, tendon, nerve, cartilage) and exploitation of on-line, non-destructive characterisation techniques to monitor three dimensional scaffolds, tissues and constructs behaviour in vitro and in vivo.
The research programme focuses on the application of engineering strategies in translational medicine. Great effort has been made to establish systematic study methods in utilizing smart/unique materials that trigger and detect specific cellular responses and application of non-destructive monitoring modalities for complicate cellular systems. The research is centralized on bone, cartilage, blood vessel, cornea, retina pseudoislets, skin, nerve generation and characterization.A team of experienced researchers supervise research activities within our programmes and peer support is available via interactions with many research fellows, research associates and research students, including research seminars and an active Research Committee. Support is also available from local collaborations based at nearby NHS sites and within Industry.