Research course

Geometry and Number Theory

UCL - University College London · Mathematics

Entry requirements

Applicants are expected to have completed at least a very good four-year degree in mathematics or a closely related discipline by September 2020; in Europe this implies a Master’s degree for most applicants. We also welcome applications from outstanding US bachelor students, for example. Please note we do not expect you to have completed your four-year degree before you apply for our programme, but you must expect to complete this before your entry to our programme in September.

Months of entry


Course content

The London School of Geometry and Number Theory (LSGNT) is an EPSRC-funded Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT) and is a joint venture between UCL, King's College London and Imperial College London. It offers a wide range of research projects in different aspects of number theory, geometry and topology.

Mathematics research at UCL is flourishing with significant funding from EPSRC, ERC, the Royal Society and industry. The department is a member of the UCL Institute of Origins, Centre for Inverse Problems, and CoMPLEX (Centre of Mathematics and Physics in the Life Sciences and Experimental Biology); it hosts the Clinical Operational Research Unit and has 20 postdoctoral researchers including the Clifford Fellow. The London School of Geometry and Number Theory is run by UCL in partnership with King's College London and Imperial College London. Students benefit from our leading role in the inter-university London Taught Course Centre for PhD Students in the Mathematical Sciences.

Qualification, course duration and attendance options

  • MPhil/PhD
    full time
    48 months
    • Campus-based learningis available for this qualification

Course contact details
