Entry requirements

Applicants for this course should have achieved a UK 2:1 Honours Degree.

Months of entry

January, April, October

Course content

The Department of Zoology is home to a community of researchers from a great diversity of disciplines, ranging from cell and developmental biology to field ecology and conservation. Evolutionary biology is a major focus of our work. We share an interest in whole organisms, and in how systems interact across different levels of organisation to generate the complexity of form, function and behaviour that is observed in the living world. Much of our work is underpinned by questions about evolution and an appreciation of the importance of the interactions between living organisms and their environments.

The PhD degree is a minimum of three years of full-time research with an individual supervisor. At the end of their degree, students will produce a written thesis, which will be assessed by independent experts, and examined with a viva. This is the principal research degree offered in the Department of Zoology and the great majority of our students are registered for it.

Students are supervised by at least one member of the academic staff who is an expert in the student's field of study. Supervisors support students in developing an independent and novel project in their field of interest. Students will learn how to review relevant literature, to phrase and answer scientific questions, and to report their findings to the scientific community, at conferences and through peer-reviewed scientific publications. We very much encourage students to get experience in undergraduate teaching, which can be either as demonstrators during practical classes or supervisors teaching small groups.

At the end of their first year of study, students are required to pass a first-year assessment, based on a detailed progress report examined by viva by the student’s thesis advisory committee. At the end of the second year and third year, a brief report (without viva) is required to ensure satisfactory progress toward the timely completion of the PhD degree.

Most candidates taking this option start in October, to take advantage of Departmental and University induction programmes, but admission in January or April is also possible.

Please note: part-time study may not always be viable and will be considered on a case-by-case basis, so please discuss this option with your proposed supervisor before making an application for this mode of study.

Information for international students

Language Requirement

IELTS (Academic)

Element Score

Listening 7.0

Writing 7.0

Reading 6.5

Speaking 7.0

Total 7.0

TOEFL Internet Score

Element Score

Listening 25

Writing 25

Reading 25

Speaking 25

Total 100


Score: Grade A & B (overall score of 193, with no element lower than 185 plus a Language Centre assessment)


Score: Grade A, B, or C (with at least 200 with no element lower than 185).

Qualification, course duration and attendance options

  • PhD
    full time
    36-48 months
    • Campus-based learningis available for this qualification
    part time
    60-84 months
    • Campus-based learningis available for this qualification

Course contact details
