Taught course

Psychological Therapy in Primary Care

University of Dundee · School of Medicine

Entry requirements

A UK Upper Second-Class Honours (2:1) degree OR a suitable equivalent (full details available on the University of Dundee website). Your degree needs to be in Psychology, and you will need to hold the Graduate Basis for Chartership (GBC) with the British Pscyhological Society (BPS). A MSc Psychology conversion degree will also be accepted, if it is of Merit grade (average mark of 60% or higher) and if it confers GBC with the BPS.

You should have appropriate personal qualities suited to employment in the NHS. Some experience of working in a caring or clinical setting is desirable but not essential.

Months of entry


Course content

This BPS- and BABCP-accredited, NHS-funded professional training course provides you with the clinical competences to work in modern mental health services.

Mental health services across the UK are facing a growing demand for therapeutic services to treat common mental health disorders. The NHS commitment to delivering evidence-based treatments means that the theoretical focus of this course is on cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT).

Delivered jointly by the University of Stirling and the University of Dundee, it is designed by NHS professionals and clinical academics to give you the clinical and professional skills you need to work as a clinical associate in applied psychology within the NHS.

You'll receive expert training in delivering evidence-based CBT to adults in primary care, and develop your knowledge of the prevalence, diagnostic criteria, presentation and treatment of common mental health disorders within a CBT framework.

You'll gain the abilities to meet a range of performance targets safely, while responding constructively to clinical supervision, in line with professional and ethical guidelines.

Applicants to this course simultaneously apply for employment with the NHS and, if accepted, their tuition fees are paid by NHS Education for Scotland. You'll undergo training and clinical supervision within the NHS.

Qualification, course duration and attendance options

  • MSc
    full time
    12 months
    • Campus-based learningis available for this qualification

Course contact details

Dr Leeanne Nicklas