Taught course

Teaching Qualification Further Education PgCert

University of the Highlands and Islands · Arts, Humanities and Business

Entry requirements

  • All applicants must be employed in a tertiary institution and hold a minimum teaching contract of 120 hours during the time you complete the programme. Your application must be supported by your employing institution as, under the National Bargaining Agreement NJNC 03/18, lecturers taking a TQFE programme must be allocated 150 hours of study time across the two semesters involved. You must agree this with your employer prior to commencing the programme
  • You must meet the nomination conditions above and hold a degree in your subject area
  • An honours degree is preferred. Applications will be considered from those holding an ordinary degree with relevant practice experience

Months of entry


Course content

This PgCert Teaching Qualification Further Education is a one-year, part-time online programme to develop effective teaching by lecturers in colleges and tertiary establishments. It is ideally suited to lecturers who have degree-level qualifications in their subject and are looking to engage with teaching and learning at masters level.

It will equip you with the knowledge, skills and attributes to support your registration with the General Teaching Council of Scotland as a lecturer. The programme uses a collaborative approach to online learning, with activities designed to help you develop professional knowledge and understanding, engage in professional dialogue, and develop critical enquiry to inform practice.

You will develop your skills in reflective practice, and engage with educational theory, research, policy and complex professional issues in this sector of education. This programme will support you to develop your teaching practice, with positive outcomes for you and your learners.

This course is accredited for the award of a Teaching Qualification in Further Education by the Scottish Government and the General Teaching Council of Scotland.

Special features

  • The programme is fully online, allowing you to fit your studies around your professional and personal commitments
  • You will have the opportunity to work with colleagues across the sector, from different colleges and subject areas
  • You will carry out reflective enquiry in your workplace
  • Successful completion of the course will give you a teaching qualification to support your registration as a lecturer with the General Teaching Council for Scotland

Fees and funding

UK students

For information, please view our Fees/Funding tab: PgCert Teaching Qualification Further Education (uhi.ac.uk).

UHI has a number of scholarships, bursaries, awards, and discretionary fund opportunities available to new and current students. Please use the A-Z of funds or use the filter to see which ones may be relevant to you. All students are welcome to apply.

Further information on funding your studies is also available, please see the attached link or contact the relevant UHI partner.

Qualification, course duration and attendance options

  • PGCert
    part time
    12 months
    • Online learningis available for this qualification

Course contact details

01463 279190