Taught course

Independent/ Supplementary Prescribing

Cardiff University · School of Healthcare Science

Entry requirements

For details on entry requirements, please visit our website:

Part time (24 weeks)

Part time blended learning (8 months)

Months of entry


Course content

Our programme aims to provide a sound foundation of preparation for registered nurses, midwives and allied health professionals in the UK to develop the knowledge, understanding and skills required to practice as safe, effective and competent independent and supplementary prescribers.

The programme will develop your ability to critically analyse and to hone your personal reflection skills, preparing you for lifelong professional development. It will provide the foundation for you to develop your practice, to enable you to provide a high professional standard of care, and be accountable for that care.

The programme will introduce you to the general principles of pharmacology relevant to prescribing practice, the professional, legal, and ethical frameworks relevant to Independent and Supplementary prescribing, and clinical governance / quality assurance aspects of prescribing.

These elements will be underpinned by evaluation of your own performance, and application of the prescribing principles to your own area of practice. It will also enable you to be aware of current developments within independent and supplementary prescribing in the UK. You will study in a multi-disciplinary setting along with a range of individuals from other professions including pharmacists, facilitating shared learning as recommended by the NMC/ HCPC.

Distinctive features

We are a School that emphasises independent learning in a research-led environment. Here are some of the key features of why we think our Postgraduate Certificate in Independent/ Supplementary Prescribing programme will make you the best practitioner you can be:

  • Become an independent/ supplementary prescriber: You can qualify as an independent/ supplementary prescriber furthering your personal development.
  • Prescribing practice impact: help influence the quality of care delivered in clinical practice by having a direct impact on the patient’s healthcare journey by offering a more holistic level of advanced care.
  • Inter-disciplinary education: be a part of a programme that offers you the opportunity to share your learning with a breadth of professionals, in collaboration with clinical and expert practitioners/ clinicians.
  • Showcase your professional development: We offer you the opportunity to become a student representative and shape future educational provision and advise on key elements of your learning. 
  • We are linked with the Joanna Briggs Institute: You’ll learn in a School which is an accredited Joanna Briggs Centre; improving the quality and outcomes of healthcare globally.

Fees and funding

UK students
For tuition fee information, please visit our website
International students
For tuition fee information, please visit our website

If you’re a home-fee paying student, you can apply for a £3,000 Master’s Scholarship from Cardiff University to help cover the cost of this programme.

Qualification, course duration and attendance options

  • PGCert
    part time
    8 months
    • Distance learningis available for this qualification

We also offer this programme for 24 weeks (part time)

Course contact details

Student Recruitment Enquiries
+44 (0)29 2087 4455