Entry requirements

  • A first- or second-class Honours BSc or equivalent in Computer Science, Digital Forensics, Information Security, Forensic Science. Students with other degrees who can show a knowledge of and interest in the subject will also be considered. These might include graduates working in relevant professional fields of study, including forensic science, information technology, forensic engineering, and law.
  • For those applicants looking to apply through the experiential route, then you will require at least seven years’ experience as a practitioner in e.g., digital forensics, information technology or forensic science.

Months of entry


Course content

The new MSc in Digital Forensics, offered by Cranfield University in partnership with CCL Solutions Group, (CCL) will seek to address the academically orientated operational needs of UK policing and serious skills shortage of educated and trained individuals in the field to fill digital forensic positions and support the UK’s criminal justice system.

Over 90% of crime is now recognised as having a digital element and the UK Government has stated that digital forensic science sits at the heart of delivering justice in the 21st century, spanning the entire criminal justice system from crime scene to courtroom.

The new MSc in Digital Forensics, offered by Cranfield University in partnership with CCL Solutions Group, (CCL) will seek to address the academically orientated operational needs of UK policing and serious skills shortage of educated and trained individuals in the field to fill digital forensic positions and support the UK’s criminal justice system.

In 2020, Cranfield Forensic Institute successfully secured £3.6 million funding from the South East Midlands Local Enterprise Partnership (SEMLEP) Local Growth Fund as matched funding to investment of £3.6 million by Cranfield University to create a state-of-the-art forensic investigation teaching and research facility at its Bedfordshire campus near Milton Keynes.

Your career

The programme offers a highly effective springboard into many career opportunities. These include employment routes to Government and non-Governmental bodies, police departments and independent digital forensic consultants. It is also a necessary introduction that leads into conducting research at PhD level in the subject. The Digital Forensics MSc could be an important stepping-stone to an academic career in Digital Forensics.

Courses include:

  • Courtroom Skills
  • Investigation and Evidence Collection
  • Digital Forensics Techniques and Traces
  • Internet Based Investigations
  • Programming for Digital Forensics
  • Mobile Device Forensics

Fees and funding

UK students
International students

Qualification, course duration and attendance options

  • MSc
    part time
    36 months
    • Campus-based learningis available for this qualification
    full time
    13 months
    • Campus-based learningis available for this qualification

Course contact details

CDS Admissions