Taught course

Applied Psychology (Conversion)

University of Bedfordshire · Department of Psychology

Entry requirements

Take a look at the latest entry requirement information on our website: https://www.beds.ac.uk/howtoapply/guide-to-applying-to-uob/before-you-apply/entry-requirements/

Months of entry


Course content

This BPS-accredited course is open to Honours graduates from any discipline wishing to take the first step towards becoming a chartered psychologist. You gain in-depth knowledge and skills around conceptual and historical issues as well as individual differences, social, cognitive, developmental and biological psychology. We offer a range of assessment approaches, including podcasting and webpage design, to equip you with modern skills for the workplace. You also carry out your own piece of empirical research aligned to your career aspirations and our staff expertise.

For further course information, contact Dr Joseph Adonu

Course accreditation

This Psychology Conversion course is accredited by the British Psychological Society (BPS). Graduating from a BPS-accredited conversion with 50% or above makes you eligible for Graduate Basis for Chartered Membership (GBC) of the Society. It also enables you to enrol for Stage 1 postgraduate training.

Facilities and specialist equipment

Access to specialist, industry-standard psychology laboratories and computing environments including:

  • Cognitive neuropsychology lab
  • Virtual-reality lab
  • Research cubicles
  • Driving simulator
  • Eyetrackers
  • Physiological data-acquisition system
  • EEG
  • Podcasting equipment
  • Data-analysis software
  • Experiment and survey-building software

Student experience

Our staff’s research and practice expertise directly informs their teaching, creating a focus on the real-life application of psychology including reading development; cognitive function in long COVID; and prevention of gender-based violence

Experience a wide variety of teaching methods including blended digital and seminars; problem solving; virtual-reality simulations; computer-based activities; and guided learning.

Assessments are designed to be authentic, reflecting workplace practice.

Gain first-hand experience of psychology in action through course contributions from specialist speakers.

Take part in our final-week, in-house Escape Room, building on what you have learned about social aspects of leadership, groups and the cognitive aspects of problem solving.

Benefit from our friendly, approachable staff and easy access to academic support.

Once you complete the course, you can progress with us in health psychology, forensic psychology or research degrees. You will have gained the skills and competencies needed for a variety of psychology routes and related careers.


As a Graduate Chartered Member of the BPS you will be eligible to apply for specialist Master's and/or Doctoral degrees to become an occupational forensic health educational counselling sport or clinical psychologist. This will then enable you to work in services such as health education and the justice system as a chartered psychologist.

You will have acquired specific knowledge in research methods and other core areas in psychology (such as developmental psychology) to put you in a position to continue your studies within Psychology with a PhD.

Information for international students

Please see our website for the latest fee information.

Fees and funding

Please see our website for the latest fee information.

Qualification, course duration and attendance options

  • MSc
    full time
    12 months
    • Campus-based learningis available for this qualification
    part time
    24 months
    • Campus-based learningis available for this qualification

Course contact details

Course Enquiries
0300 3300 703